A Comprehensive Overview of Early Childhood Care and Education: Policies and Schemes
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), Indian Education, National Policy, National SchemeAbstract
The present review aimed to explore Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) from the perspective of different policies and schemes in India. India implements various policies and schemes for early childhood education (ECCE), including NEP 2020, NPE 1986, and NCF 2005, ICDS, National ECCE Policy, NPAC 2016, SDG 4 which recommend various aspects of early education. These recommendations are significant for ECCE development. ECCE refers to different types of programs that support a child's physical, mental and social development from birth to approximately age 7 or 8. The ECCE programme is very significant because it is the basis for the future development of children. Like many other countries, in India, many policies and schemes are available for ECCE. The study is qualitative in nature, utilizing secondary data sources such as books, journals, research articles, websites, newspapers, and government publications. It aims to examine the policy provisions and their impact on improving education at the pre-school level and school education.
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