A Study of Online Teaching Strategies During Covid-19 of Secondary School Teachers
Online teaching strategies, secondary school teachers, psychological and environmental attributes, ICT devices, teaching learning process and assessmentsAbstract
During the advent of COVID-19, it became inevitable to switch from traditional face-to-face teaching to online teaching mode. Switching to the online teaching process was the only option left for uninterrupted learning. One of the ways to make the online teaching-learning experience was the ability to energize the class environment. Creating a classroom community where students can communicate after lectures and can share their ideas and thoughts. Recording of the lectures must be given to students so that they can see them later for better understanding. Effective teaching strategies implementation was utmost required to improve the online teaching and make online learning a successful experience for both teachers and the students. Descriptive survey method was used for the present study. Objectives were to study the role of teacher in online class during covid -19 pandemic, to find different types of educational strategies for making online classes, to study the role of parents and students in implementation during online classes. Sample was selected from the 7 Secondary Schools affiliated to the State Board of Gujarat in Vadodara city taking as random sampling technique which included 70 teachers. Self made questionnaire was used to achieve the objectives of the study. It has been found in present study that the maximum number of teachers were able to perform their role in helping students according to their needs, perform as a mentor, guide and friend, to inspire the students and the remaining have faced difficulty motivating their students. Able to maintain the proper interpersonal relationships, interactions were also possible between the teacher & students in online mode of teaching, but very few teachers face the difficulty in fulfilling or maintaining the interpersonal relationships. Different types of educational strategies were used in which maximum number of teachers were able to perform their interactive classroom though various activities. All the teachers were able to perform stories as strategies to clear the concept, majority of teachers are able to inspire the students and the remaining have faced difficulty with an inductive deductive approach & ICT based lesson plan in online mode of teaching. Majority of teachers were able to make good rapport with the students & Use teaching aids, various online quiz platforms in online mode of teaching, but very few teachers face the difficulty in fulfilling open forum or discussions & encourage Group feedback for engagement. The maximum number of teachers agreed that parents and students were found able to perform their roles, to perform online cultural programs, competitions & activities, to motivate online morning assemblies, dignity of online assessments, to connect in online parents and teacher meeting during online class.
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