Sustainable Development Goals and International Law: A Critical Assessment
Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), MDGs, International Law, soft Law, integration, HPLFAbstract
This article investigates the implications of adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across various domains of international law. With 17 goals and 169 targets, the SDGs are firmly embedded in international law, aligning with commitments in diverse legal instruments. The exploration in the article emphasizes the interplay between international law and global priorities, highlighting the necessity to capitalize on this connection for sustainability. In examining how the SDGs become integrated into the post-2015 development agenda, the article scrutinizes the normative importance of the obligations outlined for states in the SDGs, taking UN General Assembly Resolution 70/1 into consideration. Additionally, the article delves into the potential of the SDGs to coordinate international institutions for sustainable development and how international law serves as a normative framework for their implementation.
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