Buying Behavior of Consumers towards Eco-Friendly Products




Consumer’s awareness, satisfaction, buying behaviour, eco-friendly products


Consumer health and wellness are increasingly being threatened by the existing terrible conditions in the environment, both globally and nationally. As a result, customers are showing more environmental sensitivity in their attitudes, perceptions, preferences and purchases. The study mainly deals with the influence of the demographic profile of the consumers on their awareness towards eco-friendly products, what are factors influencing the consumers on purchase decision of eco-friendly products, the satisfaction level on consumers towards eco- friendly products and from which sector consumer make the most purchase in eco-friendly products. The current study is conducted among the college students of Idukki district. From the analysis consumers are aware of eco-friendly products, consumers mostly purchase from agricultural sector, factors such as environmental concerns, awareness of price, awareness of brand image, eco-friendly products experience and cultural factors influence the purchase decision of consumers and consumers have a satisfaction towards the purchase of eco-friendly products.

Author Biographies

Dr. Shinta Sebastian, Assistant Professor, School of Commerce and Professional Studies, Marian College Kuttikkanam, Kerala-685531

Dr. Shinta Sebastian, who obtained her PhD in Commerce from MG University in 2019, has authored six research articles, a book and contributed to a book chapter. She has presented her work at various conferences through three paper presentations. With seven years of teaching experience and one year in the industry, Shinta currently holds multiple roles at Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous).

Ms. Aleena Joshy, PG Student, School of Commerce and Professional Studies, Marian College Kuttikkanam, Kerala-685531

Aleena Joshy received her Bachelor of commerce from Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous), Kerala, Pursuing Master of commerce from Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous), Kerala and MBA in HR from Alagappa University. She has presented her work at various conferences through two paper presentations.


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How to Cite

Sebastian, S., & Joshy, A. (2024). Buying Behavior of Consumers towards Eco-Friendly Products. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(2), 139–143.