The Effectiveness of Law Enforcement against C Class Mining Permits in East Lombok Regency


  • Renni Aryani S.H. Faculty of Law, Social Science and Politic, University of Mataram
  • Prof. Dr. H. Salim HS, S.H., MS Faculty of Law, Social Science and Politic, University of Mataram
  • Dr Diangsa Wagian, S.H., M.H Faculty of Law, Social Science and Politic, University of Mataram



Law Enforcement, Permits, C Class Mining


This research aims to understand and describe the effectiveness of law enforcement against C class mining permits in East Lombok Regency, and to analyze the effectiveness of law enforcement against C class mining permits in East Lombok Regency. This research type in this thesis is empirical law study using Statute Approach, Historical Approach, And Sociological Approach. The effectiveness of law enforcement against c class mining permits in East Lombok Regency. In Permits regulation of C class mining in East Lombok region. In giving Mining Permits, that is no longer be the local government authority, but it goes to Central Government by delegating the Permits to the provincial government according to Act. No. 55 year 2022. The effectiveness of law enforcement against C class mining permits in East Lombok Regency judging from 5 factors, these are regulation, law enforcement, tools and infrastructure, society, and culture. These 5 factors being an indicator of its law enforcement effectiveness. But in this case the law enforcement and society being the problem in this research. It’s because less awareness of the society itself especially in working for this C class mining, the doers/society is not eligible of the administration requirements, did not propose SIPB based the requirement and regulation apply. Also, the lax of law enforcement officials for executing the mining that does not have SIPB Mining Permits).


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How to Cite

Aryani, R., HS, H. S. ., & Wagian, D. (2024). The Effectiveness of Law Enforcement against C Class Mining Permits in East Lombok Regency. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(2), 169–177.