The Implementation of Conversion of Irrigated Rice Fields into Settlements and its Impacts (Case Study in Labuapi Sub-District, West Lombok)
Change of function, paddy field, settlementAbstract
This research aims to find out how the implementation of the conversion of irrigated rice fields into settlements in Labuapi Sub-District, West Lombok, analyze the factors that cause the conversion of irrigated rice fields into settlements in Labuapi Sub-District, West Lombok, and analyze the impact of the transfer of irrigated land functions on socio-economic development in Labuapi Sub-District, West Lombok. This type of research is a type of Empirical Legal research. The approaches used are the Statute, Historical, and Sociological approaches. The rapid expansion of the industrial structure has resulted in a large-scale, sustainable conversion of farmland according to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 2011 concerning the Determination and Transfer of Agricultural Land Functions. Sovereignty belongs to the people, which is also reflected in the concept of human rights to a healthy environment according to Article 28 H Paragraph (1) Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945. Apart from the concept of power and the human right to the environment, the conversion of land is also reflected in the concept of democracy related to the principles of sustainable development and environmental insight, as articulated in Article 33 Paragraph (4) of the United Nations, which is strictly regulated. The influential factors of land conversion rate are, firstly, significantly influential and not yet significantly influential. Social and economic impacts are very diverse and felt by the people of Labuapi Sub-District, West Lombok; the social impact of land conversion can be seen from the relationships and interactions between residents, security conditions, and lifestyle conditions of the surrounding community.
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Hasil wawancara dengan Kepala Bidang PSP (Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian), pada 21 Desember Tahun 2023 Pukul 10.00 wita.
Hasil Wawancara dengan Masyarakat Desa Labuapi Kecamatan Labuapi Kabupaten Lombok Barat pada Tanggal 26 Desember Tahun 2023, pukul 8:40 Wita.
Hasil wawancara dengan Kepala Bidang PSP (Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian), Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Pada 25 Desember Tahun 2023 Pukul 09.00 wita.
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