Legal Analysis of Non-Litigious Settlement of Waqf Land Disputes by the Land Office of Bima Regency
Dispute, Waqf Land, MediationAbstract
This study aims to analyze what factors influence the process of resolving waqf land disputes and their resolution solutions. This is empirical legal research with the approach of legislation, conceptual, case, and legal sociology. The influencing factors are the status of the land that is the object of the dispute, the land rights attached to the parties, the legal position of the land rights of the parties, and the identified maladministration carried out by the Land Office of Bima Regency. Furthermore, the solutions provided by the Head of the Land Office of Bima Regency issued a Decree to cancel the certificate of ownership of Madawau Village community members obtained from the National Agrarian Reform Program (PRONA) in 2015 because there were administrative and legal defects in the subjects and objects of land, restoring property rights to land and providing protection and legal certainty to the Bima Islamic Foundation.
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