Sanctions for Notaries who Violate the Principle of Knowing the Users of Notary Services


  • Nida’an Havia Master of Notary Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social Sciences and Political Sciences, Mataram University
  • Galang Asmara Master of Notary Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social Sciences and Political Sciences Mataram University
  • Muhaimin Master of Notary Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social Sciences and Political Sciences Mataram University



Notary, Sanctions, Principles of Recognizing Service Users


This research discusses the regulation and stages in the principle of identifying users of notarial services, and sanctions for notaries who violate the principle of identifying users of notarial services. The type of research used is normative legal research with legislative and conceptual approaches. Sources and types of legal materials consist of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials used is through the secondary data collection method, namely literature study by examining legislation, journals, doctrines, articles, court decisions (jurisprudence), and other literature. The analysis of legal materials uses qualitative data analysis and is concluded using a deductive method. First, based on the research results, the regulation of the Principle of Identifying Users of Services is regulated in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 9 of 2017 concerning the Principle of Identifying Users of Notary Services, and Notaries as one of the reporting parties in the prevention and eradication of money laundering crimes regulated in Government Regulation Number 43 of 2015. In the stages of implementing the principle of identifying service users, notaries must conduct identification, verification, and monitoring as well as analyze the risks of service users in legal relationships with notaries. Second, the sanctions that can be imposed on notaries are not only administrative sanctions for violating the principle of identifying service users but also criminal sanctions.


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How to Cite

Havia, N., Asmara, G., & Muhaimin. (2024). Sanctions for Notaries who Violate the Principle of Knowing the Users of Notary Services . RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(3), 102–115.

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