A Study on Attitude towards Upcycled Food Adoption and its Predictors
Attitude towards upcycled food adoption, awareness of food waste consequences, environmental concern, food neophobia, price consciousness, upcycled foodAbstract
The awareness and concern among consumers about the consequences of food wastage have given birth to the adoption of upcycled food. So, it is the need of the hour to determine the possible predictors of consumer attitudes towards upcycling food and this study attempts to fulfil this need. To achieve the goals of the study, data was collected from 189 university students. In order to analyse the impact of predictors on attitude towards upcycled food adoption, structural equation modelling approach was employed using smart PLS 4 software. The findings indicated that environmental concerns, food neophobia, and awareness of food waste consequences had a significant impact on attitude towards upcycled food adoption. Furthermore, environmental concern has largest impact on the attitude towards upcycled food adoption, while price consciousness did not have a significant impact on attitude towards upcycled food adoption. As policy recommendation, marketing managers can use environmental appeals and attractive packaging to promote the adoption of upcycled food.
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