Health Security of Unorganised Construction Workers Through Ayushman Bharat (PM-JAY) Special reference to the Haldwani Development Block




Health Security, Unorganized Workers, Ayushman Bharat (PM-JAY), Construction Workers


Purpose of the study – This study explores the Ayushman Bharat Scheme (PM-JAY) in the Haldwani Development Block of Uttarakhand, focusing on awareness, utilization, and impact among unorganized construction workers. It also assesses the scheme's accessibility in rural and urban areas within the study area. Design/methodology/approach – The present study is based on descriptive and analytical research design. The cross-sectional study was conducted within the rural and urban parts of the study area. The study is based on primary data and the data was collected through a close-ended interview schedule with the sample size of N = 384, which is determined through William Cochran’s methods for infinite population size. Statistical tool – Descriptive statistics has been used for summarizing the result of the study and in the inferential statistics Spearmen’s rank correlation, Chi-Square, one sample t-test and Likert Scale Analysis have been used.  Conclusion - The study reveals that in the case of awareness, the schemes were successful but there is substantial gaps exist in the utilization of Ayushman Bharat Schemes (PM-JAY) among the unorganised construction workers. The researcher found a weak negative correlation coefficient between the level of education and awareness, enrollment and availing the benefits of the Ayushman Bharat schemes. Rural respondents have received more benefits than urban respondents. Enrolment in Ayushman Bharat leads to significant reductions in annual healthcare expenditure. This suggests that PM-JAY helps reduce out-of-pocket healthcare costs, making medical services more affordable to unorganised construction workers. On average, respondents reported a moderately positive perception regarding the shift of their healthcare utilization from informal to formal channels due to PM-JAY.

Author Biographies

Naveen Ram, Research Scholar, D. S. B. Campus, Department of Economics, Kumaun University

Naveen Ram, M.A., UGC NET (Economics), He pursuing his Ph.D. Degree in Economics from Kumaun University, D.S.B. Campus, Nainital, India. He has teaching and research experience over 4 years at Sri Dev Suman University and Kumaun University. As a main author, he has contributed more than 9 research articles in UGC Care listed Journals and peer-reviewed journals. His research interest area relied upon Unorganised sector Workers, Gig Workers and Social Security of labour.  Health Economics and Finance Economics especially in Financial Inclusion and Sustainability, Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour and Micro Finance and Credit.

Jitendra K. Lohani, Assistant Professor, D. S. B. Campus, Department of Economics, Kumaun University

Dr. Jitendra Kumar Lohani, M.A., Ph.D. & USET (Economics) and presently involved in teaching in the Department of Economics, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital. He has a teaching and research experience of over 13 years. As a main author, he has contributed three books namely ‘Economy of Uttarakhand’, ‘Uttarakhand ki Arthvyavastha’ & ‘Arthshastra mein Ganitiya evam Sankhyikiya Vidhiyan’, contributed more than 35 original research papers in reputed journals including UGC-Care Listed and Peer-reviewed and 10 chapters in edited books. He has also edited three books namely ‘COVID-19: Impact, Opportunities and Challenges in Uttarakhand’, ‘Culture and Tourism of Uttarakhand’ & ‘Uttarakhand: Sanskriti evam Paryatan’. He is associated with many societies and journals and a reviewer of a reputed peer-reviewed research journal and a committee member for publishing the newsletter of Kumaun University, Nainital. He is awarded with ‘Prof. Y.P.S. Pangti Research Award-2022’.

Rajnish Pande, Professor, D. S. B. Campus, Department of Economics, Kumaun University

Prof. Rajnish Pande, M.A., Ph.D. (Economics) is Professor and Head of the Economics Department at Kumaun University, Nainital. He is an alumnus of Kumaun University. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience at the graduate & post-graduate level. His areas of research interest are Regional Economics and Labour Economics. He has contributed several research papers in leading National & International Journals. He has edited four books and contributed several chapters in edited books. He was appointed as Controller of Examination at Kumaun University, Nainital (2014 to 2017) and appointed as Non-official Independent Director on the Board of Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (SJVNL), Shimla, Himachal Pradesh (2019 to 2022) by Hon'ble President of India. In the year 2022, he has also been appointed as the Director of I.P.S.D.R., Kumaun University, Nainital.


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How to Cite

Ram, N., Lohani, J. K., & Pande, R. (2024). Health Security of Unorganised Construction Workers Through Ayushman Bharat (PM-JAY) Special reference to the Haldwani Development Block . RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(4), 96–107.