Countering Artificial Intelligence Crimes in a Criminal Law Perspective
Countermeasures Crime, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
This research aims to analyze artificial intelligence crime as a new form of crime in the future as well as artificial intelligence crime prevention policies in Indonesia. By using the method research law Normative, using Approach Legislation (Satatute Approach), Conceptual Approach (Conceptual Approach), Approach Analytical (Analytical Approach), Approach Philosophy (Philosophical Approach). Results study This showing that describe Artificial intelligence crimes include any form of illegal or malicious action against digital structures carried out using computers or digital devices with more complex forms of crime. Artificial intelligence crimes can be crimes against national security, attacking people, or attacking a company. The categories of artificial intelligence crimes are divided into high risk, medium risk and low risk. Then Efforts that can be made to overcome artificial intelligence crime by using situational crime prevention produce the concept of short-term and long-term countermeasures.
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