Reform in The Nineteenth Century: Efforts to Modernize Women’s Role in Assam
Women, Colonial, Assam, Reform, NationalismAbstract
During the time of colonial rule in India, the first historical accounts of Indian women are produced. These accounts tell of an ancient time, when women were held in high esteem followed by a long period when their status declined. When the colonial ruler came on the scene and their narratives introduced new ideas about women’s roles and capabilities and these ideas were adopted by enlightened Indians. Colonial rule in Assam triggered a series of sweeping changes, not only in its economy and polity, but in its society and culture as well. The British brought with them new knowledge, ideas, institutions, beliefs, values and technology. Raja Rammohan Roy’s (1772-1833) name is usually listed first among those of nineteenth century reformers concerned with improving women’s status in India, Historians have called him the “father of modern India”, a “champion of women’s rights”, and a feminist. The necessary for meaningful social reform in Assam was first articulated by Anandaram Dhekial Phukan, akthough his brother Haliram Dhekial Phukan had identified certain prevailing evils.
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