Effectiveness of Mud Bag Buildings in the Irrigation Network Case Study in the Sidemen Irrigation Area


  • Lalu Erwin Rahman Master of Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • Hartana Master of Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • Ery Setiawan Master of Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia




Sedimentation, Mud Bag Efficiency


The problem of sedimentation will cause very detrimental problems if it is not anticipated from the start when we design an irrigation network, because the withdrawal of irrigation water from a river basin will always be followed by transportation of sediment, the sediment material that settles can cause the function of an irrigation network to fail. The objectives of this research include, among other things, to determine the rate of sediment transport, calculate the rate of sediment transport from the results of field tests compared to using the sediment transport calculation method, determine the level of effectiveness of the mud bag building, and to find out the factors that influence the level of effectiveness. Based on sediment transport analysis using 3 (three) methods, namely, the Ackers-White method, the Englund-Hansen method and Yang's method, it can be concluded that the transport calculation using the Ackers-White method has the highest level of accuracy compared to the other two methods. Calculating sediment transport using the Ackers-White method shows that flow discharge and sediment particle diameter are the variables that have the greatest influence on the concentration of sediment transport. The level of effectiveness of a mud bag building is known from how efficiently the building carries out its function in settling incoming sediment. From the results of calculating the efficiency value, it is concluded that the larger the diameter of the sediment particles, the greater the efficiency value, and conversely, the smaller the diameter of the sediment particles, the greater the efficiency value. the smaller it gets, from the calculation results it is found that the average efficiency value at design discharge conditions for sediment particle diameter of 0.1394 mm is 46.57%, sediment particle diameter of 0.1476 mm is 49.73%, sediment particle diameter is 0.1571 mm by 53.39%, sediment particle diameter 0.1582 mm by 53.83%, sediment particle diameter 0.0892 mm by 26.20%, and sediment particle diameter 0.0907 mm by 26.99%, while in discharge conditions varies for sediment particle diameter 0.1394 mm by 40.52%, sediment particle diameter 0.1476 mm by 43.67%, sediment particle diameter 0.1571 mm by 47.33%, sediment particle diameter 0.1582 mm by 47 .77%, sediment particle diameter 0.0892 mm by 21.18%, and sediment particle diameter 0.0907 mm by 21.75%.


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How to Cite

Rahman, L. E., Hartana, & Setiawan, E. (2024). Effectiveness of Mud Bag Buildings in the Irrigation Network Case Study in the Sidemen Irrigation Area. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(5), 82–92. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2024.v09.n05.011