Knowledge Regarding Autism among Teachers at Selected Schools in Chennai
Autism, teachers, KnowledgeAbstract
Autism children resembles normal children but their needs and problems vary with a normal growth and development. The parents and care givers should take evidence-based effort to improve their quality of life. The teacher should welcome these children to accomplish their victories at their own time. Objectives- To identify the level of knowledge on Autism among teachers, to associate level of knowledge with selected demographic variables. Quantitative approach, Descriptive design was chosen. Data was collected among 30 teachers in Queen Marys Primary school by Convenient sampling technique through a self-administered Questionnaire. Findings reveal that out of 30 samples 15(50%) teachers had inadequate knowledge 09 (30%) teachers had moderately adequate knowledge and 06 (20%) teachers had adequate knowledge. There was no statistically significant association between selected Demographic variables like Age, Gender, academic level, attended training on autism, Teaching experience, Exposure to autism children and level of knowledge (P>0.01). Hence next to parents, caregivers, mentors play a major role in molding the life of children. Their positive attitude, perception towards autism is essential in framing architecting child’s future.
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