Connectivity in Corruption Cases Involving Members of the Military


  • Diah Puji Pangastuti, S.H. Faculty of Law, Social and Political Science, Mataram University
  • Prof. Dr. Amiruddin, S.H., M.Hum. Faculty of Law, Social and Political Science, Mataram University
  • Dr. Ufran, S.H., M.H. Faculty of Law, Social and Political Science, Mataram University



Connectivity, KPK, Military Member


This study aims to analyze the position of KPK in handling corruption crimes involving members of the military. This is normative legal research with a statutory approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. The research on the position of the KPK in handling corruption crimes involving members of the military shows that the KPK has the authority to handle corruption crimes committed by members of the military This is because members of the military are part of state officials who are subject to the authority of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as stipulated in Article 11 of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law. In addition, Law Number 19 of 2019 is more specialized than Law Number 31 of 1997 concerning Military Justice. This is because the Corruption Eradication Commission Law is constructed as a basis for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to handle corruption crimes committed by anyone, including members of the military. So, if there is a norms conflict, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Law takes precedence and overrides the authority of military prosecutors in handling corruption crimes committed by military members.

Author Biographies

Diah Puji Pangastuti, S.H., Faculty of Law, Social and Political Science, Mataram University

Diah Puji Pangastuti was born in Selong on August 11, 1996. In 2015 she completed her high school education at SMA Negeri 1 Selong, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. During her undergraduate education she received an outstanding scholarship and in 2019 she graduated with a Bachelor of Laws degree at the Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences with a concentration in Criminal Law. In 2021 he was sworn in as a lawyer. She is currently pursuing a Master of Law degree at the University of Mataram. The author can be contacted via email:

Prof. Dr. Amiruddin, S.H., M.Hum., Faculty of Law, Social and Political Science, Mataram University

Amiruddin, born in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara. He completed his undergraduate program at the Faculty of Law at the University of Mataram in 1983. In 1985 he was appointed as a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Mataram. S2 and S3 programs from Airlangga University and completed in 1996 and 2010. In addition to teaching in the undergraduate program, he also teaches in the Master of Law program at the University of Mataram. He actively conducts various research programs and has produced several scientific papers that have been published nationally. The author can be contacted via email:

Dr. Ufran, S.H., M.H., Faculty of Law, Social and Political Science, Mataram University

Ufran, born in Bima, May 20, 1982. He completed his undergraduate program at the Faculty of Law, University of Mataram in 2004, then he continued his Masters in Criminal Justice System concentration, Master of Law Program UNDIP, Semarang and finished in 2007. In 2007 he was appointed as a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Mataram, besides that he taught at several private universities, such as the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Mataram, Faculty of Law, University of 45 Mataram and Mataram Institute of Teacher Training and Education. In addition to being a lecturer, he is also active as a researcher at the Lengge Foundation NTB, being the Chief Editor of the legal field at the Lengge Publishing Group (Lengge, Genta Press and Genta Publishing). Some of the books that have been edited: Mendudukan Undang-Undang Dasar (Prof.Dr. Satjipto Rahardjo, SH), Negara Hukum Yang Membahakan Rakyat (Prof.Dr. Satjipto Rahardjo, SH) etc. The author can be contacted via email:


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How to Cite

Pangastuti, D. P., Amiruddin, & Ufran. (2024). Connectivity in Corruption Cases Involving Members of the Military. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(4), 223–231.

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