Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Nursing Education
Benefits, Challenges, PBL, Nursing FacultyAbstract
PBL is perhaps the most innovative pedagogical method ever implemented in education. Its effectiveness in facilitating student problem-solving and self- directed learning skills has been widely reported in medical education. It has also become increasingly popular across disciplines in higher education. It has been applied globally in a variety of professional schools of nursing. This study was undertaken to assess the Perceived Benefits and Challenges in implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) among Nursing Faculty in Selected Nursing Colleges, Chennai. Methods: A cross sectional, descriptive correlational study was conducted among 100 Nursing faculty, who were selected through purposive sampling technique, in nursing colleges of Chennai. Data was collected using the tools such as background variables proforma and Rating Scales on Perceived Benefits and Challenges in implementation of PBL in Google survey forms through WhatsApp and E mail. Results: Study findings revealed that Mean & SD of Benefits on implementation of PBL was 89/120± 9.79 and Perceived Challenges score was 28.68/56± 8.2 among Nursing faculty. Conclusion: Overall study findings revealed that Nursing Faculty had Positive perception on Benefits in implementation of PBL even though they were also concerned about some Challenges which can be managed by meticulous planning and implementation of the system. Therefore, PBL can be effectively incorporated in future also along with traditional teaching method to facilitate effective teaching and learning process.
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