Parental Perception and Attitude towards Private Tuition: A Cross-Sectional Study among Daily Wage Earners
Attitude, Perception, Parents, Private Tuition, Daily Wage EarnersAbstract
Parents' perception of private tuition significantly impacts a child's educational journey. Positive attitudes boost academic growth, boost confidence, address individual needs, foster responsibility, and reflect cultural and social factors. Positive attitudes also encourage collaboration with educators, aligning educational goals and fostering open communication. So, the present study aimed to assess the level of perception and attitude among the parents of daily wage earners. A cross-sectional survey method has been employed to accomplish the purpose of the study among the daily wage-earning parents of school-going children. The present study consisted of 267 samples, comprising daily wage earners parents, by employing a random sampling method from Nadia District, West Bengal, India. A standardized perception and attitude scale towards private tuition, with Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.81 and 0.79, respectively, was administered to collect data from the sample (daily wage earners parents). The findings of the study indicate significant differences in perceptions and attitudes towards private tuition based on factors such as gender, location, and educational qualifications. It has been found that attitudes and perceptions of private tuition have a moderately positive correlation. This study contributes to our knowledge of the significance of private tuition in the educational landscape and provides insightful information for future studies and the formulation of societal policies.
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