Reflections of Noam Chomsky on the Covid-19 Pandemic
Noam Chomsky, Global Warming, Internationalism, Nuclear warAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought devastating societal, economic, and educational consequences worldwide and the world's leading intellectuals put forward their analysis of this pandemic. In this study the researcher analyzed the thoughts of Noam Chomsky on Covid-19 in general, what lessons we learned from this pandemic and what are the challenges ahead. Snowball sampling was used to collect the data. Hermeneutic content analysis was used as a method for analyzing and interpreting the data. Both primary and secondary sources were taken into consideration to get a good understanding of the under-researched perspective. The critical examination of the available literature on the research problem under consideration revealed, that Chomsky claimed that scientists forecasted another pandemic was very likely to come after the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome epidemic but the drug companies were not interested in preventing a future calamity because of economic reason. He mentions three major threats are approaching: global warming, nuclear war, and deteriorating democracy. He believed there would be recovery from this pandemic but there would be no recovery from the harmful consequence of global warming. He also claimed the way Cuba helped Italy during this pandemic is an example of true internationalism. This sort of true nationalism is desperately needed.
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