Exploring Community-Based Interventions in Boys’ Education: Keeping Boys in School and Fighting Irregular 'Backway' Migration
Equity, Boys’ Education, Social Justice, Irregular Migration, Dropout Rates, Inclusion, DiversityAbstract
The study is an in-depth qualitative exploration of the factors contributing to school dropout rates among boys in Serrekunda, particularly in the context of the allure of irregular migration via the 'Backway'. Data was collected through semi-structured virtual interviews with key stakeholders in boys’ education in the Gambia and the United States. Using thematic analysis and triangulation, the findings reiterate the need for an integrative approach to address socio-economic, educational, and cultural factors to keep boys in school and fight irregular migration. The study uncovers best practices and evidence-based community-driven interventions to keep boys in school and increase school completion rates. The interventions include quality monitoring and mentoring, revitalizing after-school programs, enhancing the relevance of schoolwork to future career paths, school-community partnership, providing vocational training, and strengthening parental engagement. Recommendations include ways to explore community-based initiatives and adopt of best practices to keep boys in school and fight irregular migration in Gambia’s Serrekunda Metropolis by empowering boys with skills, knowledge, and opportunities for socio-economic advancement within their communities.
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