Women's Empowerment in Siliguri Municipal Corporation: A Study of Educational, Social, and Economic Dimensions


  • Riya Roy Research Scholar, Department of Geography and Applied Geography, University of North Bengal, West Bengal, India




Women's Empowerment, Siliguri Municipal Corporation, Educational Freedom, Socio-economic Aspects, Position of Women in the Family, Employment Status


Women’s empowerment is viewed as a mechanism for improving the qualitative aspects of women. This study investigates the dynamics of women's empowerment within the Siliguri Municipal Corporation by analyzing the educational, social, and economic dimensions that influence women's progress. This study is based on a set of primary data collected from 200 women from 200 different households from various socio-economic backgrounds of Siliguri Municipal Corporation. The educational dimension assesses educational freedom, including literacy, literacy profile and computer Literacy. The social dimension explores cultural norms, the position of women in the family, difficulties faced by women regarding expressing their opinions etc. The economic dimension evaluates women's employment status, entrepreneurship, financial autonomy, access to income etc. Findings indicate that while there have been significant improvements in educational access and economic opportunities, social constraints and traditional norms continue to affect women's full empowerment. The paper provides actionable recommendations aiming to enhance women's empowerment through integrated strategies. By addressing educational disparities, challenging restrictive social norms, and expanding economic opportunities, the study contributes to creating a more equitable and supportive framework for women's holistic development.


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How to Cite

Roy, R. (2023). Women’s Empowerment in Siliguri Municipal Corporation: A Study of Educational, Social, and Economic Dimensions. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(9), 121–137. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2023.v08.n09.017