Knowing the Impact of Efficient Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing, Community Business, Blog, Twitter, Facebook foster, Social AdvertisingAbstract
Twenty-first century, people no longer make time to visit and socialize with each other. Through social platform, people can now remain disconnected while still being linked. In addition to this, “social media platforms like Facebook foster a strong bond between people and products, opening up several chances for advertising”. Similar to this, “other social media platforms like blogs provide a forum for posting comments on any event that has to be publicized and can be used as a promotional tool for both customer adoption and promotions”. This study article focuses on methods that can expand “the current social media's current use of viral marketing”. It can also aid in creating a “community that is robust enough to support your marketing efforts”. As a result of ‘social identity’ and ‘perceived value’, “Social Media Marketing efforts have an indirect impact on satisfaction, according to the analytical data”. Simultaneously, “social identity and perceived value have a direct impact on satisfaction, which in turn drives plans to continue, participate, and spend money”. Finally, “references for improving social media marketing are supplied based on the academic and managerial implications of the study's empirical findings”. According to the literature review, various contemporary consumers turned to social networks for peer guidance. Social media has encouraged consumer-to-consumer contact and made it easier for customers and companies to engage with one another. This study report sheds light on the internet-related literature and online shopper behaviour with regard to the use of online media in small companies. Study aims to pinpoint and examine the factors or behaviours that influence customers' decisions whether to follow or unfollow a specific Brand on social media.
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