Development of Functional Academic Skills through Smartphones: A Field Experience


  • Ram Niwas Ph.D. Scholar, School of Education, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India
  • Prof. H.B. Patel Dean, School of Education, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India
  • Dr Shankar Lal Bika Associate Professor, HoD & Dean, School of Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India



Functional Academics, PhD, Storytelling, Smartphones, Qualitative


This paper is based on the researcher's experience during his PhD. The paper's main aim was to share the field experience of the development of functional academics among persons with intellectual disabilities through the usage of smartphones. The storytelling method and qualitative design were used to explicit the story of the researcher's experience during an ongoing PhD in education. The researcher explained how he had been admitted to PhD in education after six years of working experience. He also shared about the phases of research in which he completed the assigned task while facing many difficulties. He emphasized how he collected the review of related literature and pre-pilot study for the tool preparation with patience during the COVID-19 pandemic and collected the data from the reputed institute in rehabilitation. At last, he discussed the difficulties faced in publishing. Supervisors had been the role model for the researcher who shaped the researcher as a philosopher in his subject.


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How to Cite

Niwas, R. ., Patel , H. ., & Bika , S. L. . (2022). Development of Functional Academic Skills through Smartphones: A Field Experience . RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 7(8), 23–26.