Causes of Growing Child Labor in India
Child Labour, Constitution, Dangerous, Laws, Social factors, GovernmentAbstract
Children are the country's new generations, and their proper development is the nation's prime focus. Youngsters all across the globe are involved in a wide range of work-related tasks. These vary from innocuous, even praiseworthy, hobbies to mentally damaging and deeply immoral persons. Forced labor is a difficult and sensitive topic.
Millions of youngsters labour in appalling and unscrupulous situations that are plainly hazardous to their health. India is one of the leading nations in terms of the proportion of the workforce that is 'child abuse.' In recent years, A lot of attention has been paid to child labour from the Government, social scientists, voluntary organizations, etc. The Constitution of India also guarantees protection of the rights of children. Despite social consciousness and many prohibitions, the number of child labour is increasing.
There are also many social factors of child labour such as inadequate family income, large families, poverty, illiteracy etc. Therefore, the issue of child labour needs to be looked into not only by the Legislature, the Executive and the Courts, but also to the social reformers, research and educational institutions of the NGO who look after the development and development of the nation. Child labour cannot end overnight because its roots are very deep. Laws should be strictly implemented to prevent child labour.
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