Exploring Women’s Well-being in Haryana: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives


  • Dr Madhu Sahni Associate Professor, Vaish College of Education, Rohtak-124001 (Haryana, India)




Women's Well-being, Socio-Demographic Profile


The term female well-being was first used by Noble Laureate Amartya Sen in 1992. Women's well-being in Haryana tackles the complexities of social change and illustrate the most critical challenges (gender discrimination, violence, and honor killings) that women are facing in the present scenario despite globalization, modernization, and development in all spheres of life. Women's well-being is studied by analyzing infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate and life expectancy, literacy and level of education, work status and income level, family structure, and political power. The trends in women's well-being are contextualized in light of the legislative provisions, women's social welfare policies, and movements that enhance, empower, sustain, or detract the women's condition in the state. The present study is an attempt to explore women's well-being based on social institutions, gender concerns, socio-demographic profile, and educational, economic, and political dynamics and interpret significant transformation in women's lives over the years in Haryana. In this descriptive study, quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to explore women's well-being in the state. The present investigation is based on primary and secondary sources as well. However, the present research sketches social institutions, gender concerns, and the status of women in Haryana, but it is mainly concerned with the women's well-being concepts, issues, and future perspectives. The present research has implications for center and state governments, policy-makers and non-governmental organizations, academicians, and social thinkers.

Author Biography

Dr Madhu Sahni, Associate Professor, Vaish College of Education, Rohtak-124001 (Haryana, India)

Dr Madhu Sahni received her doctorate degree in Education from K.U., Kurukshetra (Haryana, India). Presently, she is working as associate professor in Vaish College of Education, Rohtak (Haryana, India). She is having 18 years of experience in teaching B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses. She has many research papers and articles to her credit and has presented many papers at national and international seminars/ conferences. She is the author of the book entitled ‘Pedagogy of Mathematics’. She has supervised a number of dissertations for Master’s degree.


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How to Cite

Sahni, M. (2023). Exploring Women’s Well-being in Haryana: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(5), 09–15. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2023.v08.n05.002