A Study of Management Efficiency Ratios (MER) of Nestle India


  • Dr. Urvi Gajjar Assistant Professor, J G College of Commerce, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad




Management Efficiency Ratio, Evaluation, Turnover Over, Working Capital, Investment, Inventory, Debtors


Management Efficiency Ratio guides the company to use its assets and manage its liability efficiently. They primarily measure how the company use its assets to generate its revenue and to manage the assets and use it effectively. The main motto of a business is to generate profit and to satisfy its consumer’s needs.  Nestle India falls under the sector of Food Processing. FMCG industry has huge opportunities for investment and stimulates growth in the competitive environment. Current paper focuses specifically on Nestle India’s Management Efficiency Ratio.

Author Biography

Dr. Urvi Gajjar, Assistant Professor, J G College of Commerce, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Dr. Urvi Gajjar received her B. Com and M.Com degree from GLSIC College, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. M.Phil (Accountancy) Degree from S.D School of Commerce, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. Ph.D Degree in Commerce from S.D School of Commerce, Gujarat University Ahmedabad. She has 8 years of experience in education field. She has worked with Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai University as an Assistant Professor and currently working with JG College of Commerce, Gujarat University as Assistant Professor.


Pierluigi Santosuosso, 2014 “Do Efficiency Ratios Help Investors to Explore Firm Performance? Evidence from Italian Listed Firms” Canadian Center of SScience and Education Volume 7, Issue 12

Ateyah Mohammad Alawneh, 2022 “The Impact of Asset Management Efficiency Ratios on Earnings Per Share, Case Study of Industrial Companies Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange from 2005 to 2019” Sciedu Press Volume 11 Issue 2.







How to Cite

Gajjar, U. (2023). A Study of Management Efficiency Ratios (MER) of Nestle India. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(5), 81–84. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2023.v08.n05.011