Academic Libraries' Function in Research


  • Hetal Gadhavi Research Scholar, Sabarmati University, Gandhinagar
  • Dr. Kirit Vyas Supervisor, Prof. Emeritus, Sabarmati University, Gandhinagar



Library, Research, Academic


This study discusses the function of academic libraries in research. The traditional function of libraries in collecting materials and giving research and user services is contrasted with the technology-based online library. The effectiveness and caliber of the support offered by academic library librarians throughout the research lifecycle is described. Any research project really benefits from the effectiveness and caliber of library assistance. This article's goal is to examine the major difficulties facing academic libraries as the world around them changes and the boundaries of knowledge are widened.


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How to Cite

Gadhavi, H., & Vyas, K. (2022). Academic Libraries’ Function in Research. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 7(6), 94–96.