A Theoretical Discourse based on Major Perspectives in Sociology


  • P.M. Suresh Kumar Department of Social Work, Priyadarshini Arts and Science College, Malappuram - 676517, India




Perspectives, Theorizing, Structural-Functional approach, Conflict Model, Interactionist Perspective


Sociology is the science of the study of society. It studies man and social phenomena, his institutions, systems, processes, culture, and every aspect of man's social life. In attempting to theorize sociology few prominent perspectives come in handy. Such for example the Functionalist approach, Conflict model, and Interactionist perspective. The influence of social change has led to many structural changes and newer structures emerged to perform the same functions. But the social order maintained its balance. Unequal distribution of resources, power, privilege, status, and rewards give way to conflicts in modern societies. Such conflicts create rivalries among economic, religious, professional, and cultural groups. As a result, the divide in society emerges deeper to threaten the social order. A conflict model explains the discomfort affecting various segments of the population and the dynamics of confrontation, control, and resilience. The aggregate of interactions expressed in roles, relationships, positions, and processes points to an interactionist perspective. Roles determine the type and quality of interactions. Interactions are transformed into systems. This paper attempts to analyze the perspectives adopted for theorizing sociology. Areas chosen for analysis namely Marriage, Family, Religion, Faith, Politics, and Governance demonstrate their application in theorizing sociology from a broader context of evolution and change.

Author Biography

P.M. Suresh Kumar, Department of Social Work, Priyadarshini Arts and Science College, Malappuram - 676517, India

Dr. Suresh Kumar received his Master degree in Social Work from Loyola College, Trivandrum and Ph.D in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has vast experience of 18 years in teaching and research and served as Professor at Srinivas University, Mangalore and CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. He has published extensively on wide range of topics in peer reviewed journals.  Currently serving as Head of Department of Social Work at Priyadarshini Arts and Science College, Malappuram (Kerala).


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How to Cite

P.M., S. K. (2023). A Theoretical Discourse based on Major Perspectives in Sociology. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(6), 53–57. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2023.v08.n06.008