Body Image Perception among Adolescent Girls – Association with Socio-demographic Factors: A Descriptive Study in Urban Mangalore




Adolescent Girls, Body Image Issues, Socio-demographic factors, social media, Diet Pattern


Background: Body image encompasses an individual’s thoughts, beliefs, emotional evaluations and behaviors regarding their physical appearance. Adolescents, due to the physical, social and psychological transformations they experience are especially susceptible to experiencing body dissatisfaction. In the case of adolescent girls, various bodily and social changes occur during and after puberty, significantly impacting their body image, with these effects becoming more prominent as they reach late adolescence. Methodology: The current study aims to embrace a post positivist worldview, which aligns with the conventional research approach and is primarily associated with quantitative research rather than qualitative research. The Universe of the study was all the 222 colleges which are affiliated to Mangalore University and the population was only those colleges located in the geographical area of Mangalore city. The first phase of the sampling procedure was selection of 10 colleges in the urban Mangalore by applying the random sampling method and in second phase included the selection of girl students from the college. A sample size of 400 adolescent girls have selected by using Krejcie and Morgan table. Results: It was very clear from the findings that out of 400 respondents 301 girls have agreed that social media has influence on their diet pattern. The study results showed a significant association between the domicile, family status and the career choice of the respondents with their body image issues. Conclusion: This study highlights the growing prevalence of body image dissatisfaction among adolescent girls in the Urban Mangalore, emphasizing that is not limited to western societies. It underscores the need for proactive measures to address this issue and promote awareness about the concept of ideal body weight, thereby safeguarding the well-being of the younger generation against the detrimental effects of negative body image.

Author Biographies

Ms. Indu Nair V, Research Scholar, Institute of Social Science and Humanities, Srinivas University, Mangalore-575001 Karnataka, India

Ms. Indu Nair V (UGC NET – JRF), currently pursuing Ph. D from Srinivas University, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, has done Masters in Social Work from G. R. D. College of Science, Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. Suphala Kotian, Research Professor, Institute of Social Science and Humanities, Srinivas University, Mangalore-575001 Karnataka, India

Dr. Suphala Kotian, PhD, presently is working as research Professor in Srinivas University, Mangalore, Karnataka, India. Has Post graduation degree in Masters in Social work from Mangalore University. Has PhD from Manipal University, Manipal in 2007.


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How to Cite

Nair, I. V., & Kotian, S. (2023). Body Image Perception among Adolescent Girls – Association with Socio-demographic Factors: A Descriptive Study in Urban Mangalore. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(6), 67–74.