Examining Academic Procrastination among College Students in Relation to Academic Satisfaction: A Correlational Study
Academic procrastination, Academic satisfaction, Gender, Academic stream, Kashmir DivisionAbstract
Today, academic procrastination is a prevalent issue that negatively impacts students' academic performance and well-being. This paper presents a correlational study aimed at exploring the relationship between academic procrastination and academic satisfaction among college students. The research included 800 college students from various Government degree colleges in the Kashmir Division, representing different genders and academic streams. The participants were chosen using the method of stratified random sampling. The data were analyzed using correlation analysis to examine the associations between these variables. This study utilized an Academic Procrastination Scale by Gupta and Bashir (2018) and a self-constructed Academic Satisfaction questionnaire, administered ethically in a real classroom setting. The data were analyzed using descriptive & inferential statistics, and correlation analysis to examine the associations between the two constructs. These techniques were performed using SPSS version 26 to thoroughly examine the dataset. Finally, the findings show that there are significant differences between gender and academic streams when it comes to academic procrastination and academic satisfaction among college students. This means that male and female students, as well as students in different academic streams (i.e., arts, science and others), experience varying levels of procrastination and satisfaction with their academic performance. Moreover, this study aims to provide valuable insights for educators, counselors, and administrators in developing targeted interventions to promote productive academic behaviors and enhance student satisfaction with their educational experiences.
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