An Analysis of Work Accident Risk in the Construction of the RSUD ER Building West Lombok District Using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)


  • Luqmanul Hakim Master Program of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • Suryawan Murtiadi Master Program of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • Akmaluddin Master Program of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia



Risk Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Work Accidents, Building Construction


Risk is the possibility or uncertainty of an unexpected event occurring while carrying out work that could harm the party carrying out the activity. In carrying out activities, one of the risks that may arise is the risk of work accidents, work accidents can occur in all fields of work, one of which is the construction sector. Occupational accidents in the construction sector are actually the result of risk mitigation that is not on target in dealing with the risk of work accidents. Occupational accidents can be caused by several main factors, namely environmental conditions, work equipment, and the workers themselves. Therefore, in order to minimize the number of work accidents, it is necessary to manage the risk of work accidents in construction projects for the safety of workers and the success of a project. The steps to be carried out in this study include risk identification, risk assessment, analysis of risk causes, and risk management. Risk identification was carried out based on a literature study on the risks involved in work at the Emergency Room Development Project at the West Lombok District Hospital. After that, the risk will be assessed using the appropriate guidelines in AS/NZS 4360:2004 which uses the probability and impact matrix in its assessment. Then, for risks classified as very high risk, fault tree analysis is used to find the cause. After that, a risk mitigation plan will be carried out based on the results of the risk assessment and MOCUS. The results obtained from this research study are the causes of the very high risks that exist in the project, namely the risk of workers falling from heights caused by 11 basic events. In addition to the causes of the risk, there are also forms of handling for the causes of risk, one of which is the supervision carried out on workers to deal with the basic event of not concentrating and rushing at work.


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How to Cite

Hakim, L., Murtiadi, S., & ., A. (2023). An Analysis of Work Accident Risk in the Construction of the RSUD ER Building West Lombok District Using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(7), 111–120.

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