Pollen morphological studies on selected species of Jatropha L. through light microscopy from Hyderabad, Telangana State.


  • Midathapalli Chiranjeevi Palynology and Paleobotany Research Lab, Department of Botany, University College of Science, Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500004
  • Chaya Pallati Palynology and Paleobotany Research Lab, Department of Botany, University College of Science, Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500004 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8075-1282




Pollen characters, Jatropha species, Taxonomy, crude/raw drugs, Traditional medicine, Hyderabad


Pollen morphology is one of the important tools for taxonomic studies and helps in the identification of medicinal plants. Pollen characterization of four species of Jatropha viz., Jatropha gossypifolia, Jatropha integerrima, Jatropha multifida, and Jatropha podagrica. collected from Greater Hyderabad of Telangana State, India during 2022-23 was carried out by using Light Microscope (LM). The pollen types looked similar but varied in size and shape. The pollen grains are spheroidal to circular, isopolar and radially symmetrical. Grains are inapertutate/omniaperturate with surface showing crotonoid pattern.  The plants studied in the present work were known for their medicinal use having anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, antiophidian, analgesic, antipyretic, antimicrobial, healing, antianemic, antidiabetic, and antihemorrhagic activities and most important in traditional system of medicine.

Author Biographies

Midathapalli Chiranjeevi, Palynology and Paleobotany Research Lab, Department of Botany, University College of Science, Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500004

M. Chiranjeevi received his Bachelor Degree in BSc. Botany, Zoology, Chemistry (BZC) from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India in the year 2009. He did his Master of Science (M.Sc) in Botany in 2013, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in 2010 from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He received his Master of Education (M.Ed) from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh. He has worked as a biology teacher in school, from 2013-2016.  Currently he is pursuing his Ph. D in Botany in the field of Pollen morphology in Palynology and Paleobotany Research Laboratory University college of Science Saifabad, Osmania University. He has four research publications published in UGC Care journals. He has also presented research papers in the national and international conferences (organized in India).

Chaya Pallati, Palynology and Paleobotany Research Lab, Department of Botany, University College of Science, Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500004

Dr. Chaya Pallati working as an Assistant professor in Department of Botany, Osmania University. She did her Masters from Osmania University and obtained her Ph.D degree in Botany. Her research field of interest include Melissopalynology, Aeropalynology, Palynotaxonomy etc. She is currently working as an Incharge Head, Dept. of Botany and Placement officer of University College of Science, Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad. She is also a member of Board of Studies, Dept. of Botany, O.U., Selection Committee member for the colleges under Osmania University. She has publications in different fields of Palynology viz., Melissopalynology, Aeropalynology, Palynotaxonomy published in UGC Care journals. She has written books for BSc students published by B.R. Ambedkar Open University Hyderabad. Currently six students are working under her guidance for their Ph.D program.


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How to Cite

Midathapalli, C., & Pallati, C. (2023). Pollen morphological studies on selected species of Jatropha L. through light microscopy from Hyderabad, Telangana State. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(8), 50–54. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2023.v08.n08.010