A Critical Assessment of Master Development Plan and Landscape Pattern of Jaipur City
Land Use, Landscape Metrics, Urban, ArcGIS, JaipurAbstract
There are various factors that influence the land use/land cover changes and spatial pattern of the landscape. The land use/land cover categories of existing land use map-2009 and master development plan-2025 are reorganized into 8 land use/land cover categories to measure the changes if everything goes according to the Master Development Plan-2025. The ArcGIS 10.3 and Erdas 14 software have been used to generate statistics and maps. The Fragstats 4.2 software has been used to analyse the indices of the landscape pattern. The urban area (i.e. Jaipur city region, satellite towns, and transport corridors) was 19.94% in MDP-2011 that is expected to increase to 54.3% in MDP-2025. During 2009-2025 the JDA aims to increase built-up from 48.79% to 72.95% in JMC. The ecological area is also expected to increase from 24.55% (MDP-2011) to 30.4% (MDP-2025). The rural area is expected to decrease significantly from 55.51% (MDP-2011) to 15.31% (MDP-2025). Thematic change dynamics reveal that in the JMC most of the agricultural land and vacant land will be converted into built-up, urban greenery, and institutional land. The landscape metrics analysis reveals that land use conversion is reducing the diversity of land use/land cover patches but patches are being more spatially aggregated. The diversity and heterogeneity of patches will reduce but the aggregation of patches will cause an increase in the patch size.
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