Involvement of Panchayats in the Development of Primary Schools Located in the Tribal Areas of Wayanad, Kerala


  • Dineesh Baby.M Research Scholar, Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641046
  • Dr. P.D Subhash Associate Professor, PMD, NCERT, Sri Aurobindomarg, New Delhi-10016



Panchayats, Primary Schools, Tribal Areas, Teacher Training


The paper explores the role of Grama Panchayats in advancing the development of primary schools situated in the tribal regions of Wayanad, Kerala. This includes their participation in matters such as student enrollment, reducing dropout rates, teacher training, enhancing infrastructure, managing the midday meal program, and monitoring school activities. The paper's conclusion highlights that the Panchayats' contributions in these areas have been limited and underscores the urgent necessity for their more proactive engagement to enhance the quality of primary school education.


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How to Cite

M, D. B., & P.D, S. (2023). Involvement of Panchayats in the Development of Primary Schools Located in the Tribal Areas of Wayanad, Kerala . RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(8), 197–201.