Use of ICT Tools in Open and Distance Learning System


  • Rupali Saikia Librarian, Khoirabari College, Khoirabari, Udalguri, Assam



ICT Tools, Computer, LMS, E-learning, Software, Internet, Distance Education


Many schools now use the fourth generation of distance education, also known as the flexible learning model. This means that distance education is changing a lot. This is because every day there are new ICT tools that come out. There is both hardware and software in these ICT tools. The computer is the most important piece of hardware for electronic communication. Other devices that are being used more and more are hand-held ones, like iPods, cellphones, e-readers, mp3 players, and so on. A huge variety of software is available to help people learn. Some of these are learning management systems (LMS) for virtual universities, e-learning programmes, and programmes for making multimedia. Find out about the different kinds of software that are used to teach and learn. All of these ICT tools work together to let people learn from afar using the Internet or the World Wide Web. The traditional way of teaching has had to change because of the use of ICT tools for distance learning. These issues will be looked at in the sections that follow.


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How to Cite

Saikia, R. (2023). Use of ICT Tools in Open and Distance Learning System. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(12), 83–87.