The Nexus among University Student Experience, Engagement, and Academic Success within Online Learning Environment




Student Experience, Student Engagement, Student’s Academic Success, online learning environment


This study investigates the complex interplay among student experience, engagement, and academic success in online learning. Its primary goal is to understand how the quality of student experience influences their engagement and academic achievements. The research followed a rigorous four-phase approach, starting with a thorough literature review to establish a strong theoretical foundation. Pre-validated constructs and measurement items were selected to suit the nuances of online learning and the diverse student population in Vietnamese universities. The core of the study involved administering a structured questionnaire to 300 volunteer students from various universities and academic fields in Vietnam. After data collection, a meticulous data purification process was conducted, followed by statistical analysis using Smart PLS 4.0 software. The results highlight the essential role of a positive student experience in promoting increased student engagement and, consequently, improved academic success. These findings have significant implications for Vietnamese universities, emphasizing the need for educator development, holistic student support, digital access, and data-driven interventions to enhance the educational experience.

Author Biographies

Hoai Thu Le, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Hoai Thu Le got her Bachelor of English from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. She obtained a master of Educational leadership and management from Latrobe University, Australia. Now, she is an officer at the Department of Quality management, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.

Thanh Trung Pham, East Asia University of Technology

Thanh Trung Pham received his Bachelor of Chinese from Wuhan University, China. He obtained a master of Chinese from Hanoi University, Vietnam. Currently, he is a lecturer of Chinese language study at the Faculty of Tourism, East Asia University of Technology, Vietnam.


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How to Cite

Le, H. T., & Pham, T. T. (2024). The Nexus among University Student Experience, Engagement, and Academic Success within Online Learning Environment. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(1), 1–12.