Urgent Need of Plastic Waste Management: A Review
PWM, Environmental Impacts, Global Risk, Need RecyclingAbstract
Plastic waste has emerged as an environmental challenge globally and has become a critical issue with widespread impacts on the environment, produces chemical pollution, creates micro-plastics, kills terrestrial wildlife, human health and animals, choking our oceans, killing and harming marine life and requires an immediate action. Plastic contaminates the air, soil, and water without appropriate collection and disposal methods, harming ecosystems and humans in the process. Plastic persists in the ecosystem for long, endangering species and dispersing pollutants. The use of plastic also fuels global warming. The majority of plastics comprises of chemicals derived from the combustion of fossil fuels including coal, oil, and gas. The paper examines types of plastic wastes and their sources; it's environmental and socio-economic impacts and the current state of PWM practices and strategies worldwide. It examines the current methods for gathering, recycling, and disposing of plastic garbage while seeking ways to improve them. Plastic pollution can modify natural processes and habitats, making ecosystems less able to adapt to climate change. This has a direct impact on the social well-being, food production, and livelihoods of millions of people. Plastic garbage is causing terrible issues and other serious health problems, especially in urban areas. These challenges have raised alarming public concerns leading to implementation of policies aimed at minimizing the amount of plastic waste generated in the environment. Additionally, it also emphasizes on importance of collaboration between governments, industries and people to achieve meaningful progress. By reviewing existing literature and data, the paper aims to focus on the complexities of PWM and highlight the areas of improvement.
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